Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Future of death in the ground and in the virtual

I have seen two videos today that have put the Chaos Of Death back into my mind.  Actually I watched one podcast that referenced these two videos, and THAT is what put this blog back into my mind.  I really don't know what to write other than what these two video in this order may help to say.  The one thing that I will say, that the podcast spoke of, is that try NOT to judge as best you can the computer team that created the image of the dead girl.  The philosopher of death in this podcast said that you must understand the Korean view on death, "Koreans believe it is their duty to help the deceased make a smooth transition into the afterlife in case their loved one becomes a wandering ghost, or kaekkwi."  It is there DUTY to make sure the deceased are transported to their resting place, both the body and the "soul."

The first TED talk is fairly dry, or it is to me as someone who does not squirm away from the discussion of death, but I feel it is a good short talk that sets up how and to what impact we, the living, deal with the deceased. 
The video touches on many of the topics that I have brought to the Chaos  Blog, and the Korean video is a very oddly human visceral experience that reached into the future of technology and grieving.  I'll let you, now explore these two videos and let you absorb them how you see fit.

Check out the podcast that sent me on this path.
Philosopher Zone Podcast on The Digital Death

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