Sunday, January 27, 2008

Classic Sesame Street: I'm Gonna Miss You, Mr. Hooper!

I don't remember this as a child but I was introduced to it by a friend. I think it is one of the best ways any show or movie has ever dealt with the subject of death


dinabear said...

I agree. I remember when this happened and it was so sad, but it also helped me understand that although Mr. Hooper was gone, he would always be remembered. A lovely tribute and a sensitive, compassionate lesson for kids.

Kurt Chiang said...

This reminded me of another TV scene dedicated to the death of a castmember. Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife when he was on News Radio. I loved this show.

Somehow, I heard a rumor-- made up my own story-- was totally misinformed-- that the cast didn't know what the envelopes were going to say when they read them live on air. But, when watching it now, it's clear from some of the line deliveries that the cast is prepped. That would have been pretty ubcredible, but it is still a funny and sweet and powerful scene.

Here it is.